Stuck in a profit-driven place

Unfortunately, I was moved to my current workplace last year after many dishonest delays. Thought I’d be able to return to my original workplace soon, but those in charge want to keep me here even though it doesn’t make sense. I’m extremely unhappy and disappointed but pretend to be okay so I can to get a good reference one day. Can’t quit because I need the money. My original workplace means so much to me and the new one’s main importance is profits over patients. I look through job postings every morning before my shift. I know it’s good to have a job but being at this place absolutely sucks the life out of me. I’m young but it’s making me old. Sometimes shit happens but I’m such a good, honest person. The other important stuff I used to do is kinda being done by people who don’t know enough. It’s an insult to think about all that has happened and continues to happen because I am not working where I belong. Any kind words would really help. This whole situation is just so sad. Can’t wait till I work somewhere else - God help me until then lol! I work in healthcare so please let a good job come along soon. Long weekend coming up which is good. Yay.


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That Sucks [J]

Jun 26, 2024 at 11:28am

Do you suppose the kind of people running the place will give you a good reference when you leave? Might not be worth pretending. Or not pretending so much, just distancing yourself instead. Keep looking, get out.

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Chin Up

Jun 26, 2024 at 12:12pm

It sounds like you are handling this situation the right way: not making any rash decisions, getting the job done while looking for something better. I hope it comes along soon. Get some reference letters written - and signed - before you leave. Use them to find a new opportunity. You are not alone. I once took a position that was presented like a dream by the boss. When I got there, it was a nightmare. I smiled my way through and worked my ass off for weeks until I found something else. Once my new employment was secure, I told the lying old boss why I was leaving. She couldn't care less. "I'll replace you easily," she said. My reply was, "You'll be replacing me for the rest of your life if you keep managing things the way you are. Good luck with that."

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