Are other CEOs prepared to match Darren Entwistle's contribution to the fight against COVID-19?

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      This week, the head of B.C.'s largest publicly traded company, Telus, did something unexpected.

      Darren Entwistle donated three months of his annual salary to support health-care workers putting their lives on the line to beat back the COVID-19 pandemic.

      British Columbians have demonstrated tremendous resolve in this fight, defying the odds by flattening the curve of new infections much earlier than many might have anticipated.

      It's due to the leadership of provincial health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, and Health Minister Adrian Dix, who've issued daily calls for the public to stay home and engage in social distancing.  Both of them emphasize that this not the time for complacency, especially with a long weekend ahead of us.

      Others have done their part. The general manager of the Vancouver park board, Malcolm Bromley, took the extraordinary step of blocking traffic into the crown jewel of Vancouver, Stanley Park.

      All of these efforts are paying dividends for the health of seniors and those with compromised immune systems.

      It's come at a high price to the economic livelihoods of British Columbians. We all know friends and family members who've lost their jobs.

      But we're having more success in B.C. than other large provinces. While we wish Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta the very best in coping with the crisis, we can also take pride in our collective efforts to save lives.

      Telus has long had the motto "Give Where We Live". It's emblazoned on T-shirts every time you see Telus employees participating in community events, like the Vancouver Pride parade.

      Now, the company's CEO, through his actions, has sent a message to corporate CEOs across North America.

      Earlier this year, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives released a report showing that the country's 100 highest-paid CEOs of companies listed on the S&P/TSX index were paid, on average, $11.8 million in 2018.

      Surely, some of the people on that list can afford to match Entwistle's generous donation of three months pay to battle the pandemic.

      Are they, like the Telus CEO, willing to give where they live?
