Video: Racist rant leads to criminal charge following confrontation over a parking spot at a Walmart store

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      A self-described racist has been caught on video saying he's willing to kill an Indo-Canadian couple's children.

      And it arose out of a dispute over a parking spot in a Walmart store.

      The threat was uttered in Stoney Creek near Hamilton, Ontario, where the couple confronted the man over his behaviour.

      "I don't like you. I don't like her," the man said. "I would kill your children first."

      "Really?" the Indo-Canadian asked.

      "Yes, I would. I would. Don't ever attack me again."

      At another point in the conversation, the agitated racist declared: "You put your hands on me and I'll break your fucking legs."

      This video clearly captures a man in Stoney Creek, Ontario, sayinng he was willing to kill an Indo-Canadian couple's children.
      Patryk Laszczuk/YouTube

      Early in the confrontation, the racist told the Indo-Canadian to go back to his own country.

      The man replied that he is a Canadian citizen.

      "Show me! Prove it! I don't believe you," the racist said.

      Then he put on a mock Indian voice and said: "You don't talk like a Canadian."

      CBC News has reported that the man has been charged with uttering a death threat.

      Police are also investigating whether it was motivated by hate, which would provide leeway to a judge to increase the sentence if the man is convicted.
