Vision Vancouver trustee Allan Wong wants school board to support student participation in upcoming climate strike

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      Students in Vancouver are promoting various climate actions in the lead-up to a Friday (September 27) school strike

      Tonight, a school trustee will introduce a motion asking other board members to support these student-led activism.

      Allan Wong, the sole Vision Vancouver politician elected in 2018, wants trustees to direct staff to encourage schools to incorporate the upcoming climate strike into educational programming, as appropriate, during this week.

      He also wants staff to encourage such activities as climate-related field trips, in-school actions, and classroom discussions.

      “I think it’s imperative that our youth have the opportunity to participate in activities during this week of climate action,” Wong said in a news release. “Students are leading the way on calling for action to address climate change, which is something that must be supported by educators and the entire education system. I’m optimistic that this proposal will be supported by my fellow school board trustees.”
