B.C. Liberal spin machine goes into overdrive as nonconfidence motion looms

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      Imagine you're the legislature reporter at the Vancouver Sun and you were told what was going to be in the upcoming B.C. Liberal government throne speech.

      Would you:

      a) report the name of the person leaking this information so your readers would know the source?

      b) tell your readers that the throne speech is utterly irrelevant because the premier doesn't have the confidence of the legislature?

      c) declare that you weren't going to be spun by a premier who's doomed to lose power? 

      d) deliver an utterly serious account of what's going to be in the throne speech, highlighting that it will include "a commitment by the Liberal government to ban corporate and union donations"?

      If you chose the fourth option, then you just might qualify for membership in the B.C. press gallery.

      Today, the Vancouver Sun included a synopsis of what we're going to hear from Lt.-Gov. Judith Guichon on Thursday (June 22).

      The most amusing bit of public relations wasn't the so-called plan to raise the social-assistance rate for single employables to $710 per month.

      Rather, it was the governing party's call for campaign finance reform after rejecting many private member's bills from the opposition on that very topic.

      If the lieutenant-governor gives the NDP's John Horgan a crack at forming a government, one of the first things he'll do is ban union and corporate donations.

      But now, the B.C. Liberals can claim that this was their intention all along.

      After the B.C. Liberal government falls, one of those wealthy party donors ought to hire Christy Clark to run a laundromat.

      That's because she's demonstrated once again that she has deep insights into spin cycles.
