Four-term Burnaby councillor and retired firefighter Paul McDonell dies

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      The City of Burnaby has lost its second veteran politician in three weeks.

      Coun. Paul McDonell died from an infection that occurred following a knee injury, according to Mayor Mike Hurley.

      McDonell was elected four times with the Burnaby Citizens Association, which he resigned from in February.

      Another long-time BCA councillor, Nick Volkow, died last month after a battle with brain cancer.

      McDonell was a cheerful presence on council and at the many community events he attended.

      A former Vancouver firefighter, he spent six years on Burnaby's park board and also chaired the Simon Fraser Health Authority before it was consolidated into the Fraser Health Authority.

      Fellow councillor and Metro Vancouver chair Sav Dhaliwal referred to McDonell as "Mr. Burnaby, a lifelong public servant & passionate community builder".

      Katrina Chen, the NDP MLA for Burnaby-Lougheed and minister of state for childcare, wrote on her Facebook page that McDonell brought her into the NDP and taught her so much about Burnaby.

      "He gave me a lot of trust even though I was a foreign worker with limited experience in Canada," Chen wrote. "He was the first person who encouraged me to run for politics."

      She also revealed that he was the first friend to visit her in hospital after her child was born.

      "We last hung out at his favourite restaurant ATLAS for lunch before the pandemic... he was happy and relaxed," Chen wrote. "I can’t describe how hard it is to say goodbye to Paul during such a difficult time like this... but I know he will be missed by so many people he supported and helped throughout his incredible life as a volunteer, city councillor, firefighter and someone who truly cared about his community. I will miss you so much, Paul."

      Another politician mourning the death of McDonell is fellow councillor Colleen Jordan.

      "I am lost for words in sadness," she tweeted.

      Paul McDonell (right) often attended multicultural events, including this one at Swangard Stadium honouring the Korean community in 2014. Former councillor Nick Volkow can be seen third from the end of the bench between future cabinet minister Anne Kang and long-time Burnaby councillor Dan Johnston.
      Charlie Smith
