Vancouver real estate: taller towers proposed in new application for Safeway on Broadway and Commercial

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      Developers have submitted a revised rezoning application for the Safeway site on Broadway and Commercial Drive in East Vancouver.

      The new proposal involves taller towers, more rentals, and less condo units.

      The original submission in 2019 provided for three towers with heights of 24, 27, and 30 storeys.

      The revised application proposes 25, 29, and 30 storeys.

      The council-approved community plan provides for buildings with heights ranging from 12 to 24 storeys.

      The Safeway site is included in Grandview-Woodland Community Plan approved by Vancouver city council in 2016.

      The community plan provides for buildings at the location with heights ranging from 12 to 24 storeys.

      The original rezoning application called for 520 condo units. The new one reduces the number to 236.

      Meanwhile, rental units will increase from the previous number of 160 to 452.

      The revised application also requests an increase in residential floor area from 620,784 square feet to 638,278 square feet.

      The Safeway site is located east of the Broadway-Commercial SkyTrain Station.

      The planned redevelopment is joint venture between Crombie Real Estate Investment Trust and Westbank.

      Based on information provided on the City of Vancouver’s website, the revisions were current as of September 2, 2020.
