COPE's Tim Louis isn't alone in being cranky

I was happy to see some letters standing up for Tim Louis [Letters, November 3-10]. In fact, more power to him that he's willing to persist. His faith in the process and his commitment to deeply sound, humane core values should be an inspiration to us all. Instead of picking at minor foibles, we should be grateful for his willingness to keep carrying the torch. Set in his ways and a little cranky? Ha. Aren't you? I sure am. Thank you, Tim Louis!

> Janet Miller / Vancouver




Nov 10, 2011 at 8:25pm

She's right, I am pretty cranky too. I am conscientious enough to listen to all sorts of points of views even if it leads me back to where I started. At least you learn maybe why they might be saying this or that. That's interesting. I always felt kinship with this:


Nov 16, 2011 at 11:41am

I'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take this anymore. Yes! Thank you. (: Time for this to turn up on a whole lotta TV stations again - Now.