Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 gives players a choice of story branches

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      Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (Activision; DS, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360; rated teen)

      The second game in this superhero action series succeeds because it keeps the core of the experience the same—if it ain’t broke, you know—and adds a branching narrative feature to allow players to have some choice over the story being told.

      Ultimate Alliance 2 starts with Nick Fury leading an invasion team into Latveria, which he has branded as a haven for terrorists. Players start by assuming the identities of Captain America, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Wolverine.

      After that prelude, the game—and the story—opens up. While new playable characters—including Deadpool, Gambit, and Ms. Marvel—can be unlocked, the major addition in this game is the chance for players to choose a side after the government passes a Superhuman Registration Act. The ending of the game and the characters with whom players will battle depend on whether the player has selected Pro-Registration or Anti-Registration.

      The gameplay is quick and smooth, and combat has been enhanced by the addition of fusion attacks—two-character combos—which are unique to a particular pair of heroes. As before, up to four players can co-operate, so book some time with some friends to play through this one.
