Nerd Alert! Spidey drops in on Captain America; the Flash zips by Supergirl

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      Welcome to Nerd Alert!, your weekly round-up of news from the worlds of science fiction, fantasy, comic books, animation, and all things nerdy.

      WHO IS THE FASTEST person alive? If you answered "Usain Bolt", take a bow, genius. But not in the DC television universe. There, it's apparently a toss-up between Supergirl and the Flash. You may know the Flash as "the Fastest Man Alive", and even if Supergirl beats him, he can still keep that title. Because she's not a man, you see. (She is also not a girl, but this isn't really about semantics.) Anyhow, a crossover between Supergirl and The Flash is imminent, as you could have surmised from the promo image below.

      Grant Gustin will appear as the Flash on the March 28 episode of Supergirl—which CBS has reportedly decided to renew for a second season. 

      As other, more clever, people have pointed out, the poster above pays homage to the cover of Superman #199, which came out in 1967, shortly after the invention of the printing press.

      AS CERSEI LANNISTER ONCE sagely observed, "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground." You might say, then, that it's something of a wicked game. Anyhow, if you like fire, dragons, swords, and the promise of naked boobs, you will really dig the trailer for Season 6 of HBO's Game of Thrones, because it has plenty of all of those things. Oh, and also "Wicked Game", which is what I was getting at earlier.

      BONUS! James Vincent McMorrow sings that Chris Isaak song everyone loves. Hey, it ain't "The Rains of Castamere", but it's okay.

      IN THE LATEST TRAILER for Captain America: Civil War, we finally get our first glimpse of Tom Holland as Spider-Man. Check it our below. The movie hits cinemas May 6.

      IF YOU'RE IN TOWN this weekend, you might feel inclined to head over to Heritage Hall on Sunday for the latest edition of Vancouver Comic Con. Guests include Colin Lorimer (Burning Fields, X-Files, Blackout, Curse), James Lloyd (Futurama, The Simpsons, Adventure Time), Steve Rolston (Public Relations, Ghost Projekt, Emiko Superstar). Full details can be found on the website.
