Canada should join the United States.

It's going to happen one day anyway and it's not like anyone will take up arms against it.


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Jun 6, 2018 at 5:23pm

... have actual freedom of speech!


Jun 6, 2018 at 5:36pm

There is no such inevitability. In fact, history shows that unless a country has a defined geographical border, a common language, and both a common culture and a common belief system, its chances of survival are slim. The United States, and Canada for that matter, are more likely to break into several smaller countries, with borders such as the Rocky Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Appalachians, the Canadian Shield, the Great Lakes, and the St. Lawrence River, before they ever become one large country.
Socially, I do not believe, unless there are great changes in America, that Canada would every give up its social structure to become American.

Too late

Jun 6, 2018 at 7:00pm

Too many interests have been promised to overseas companies. Canada as we imagine it doesn't exist. We are a resource hub for emerging markets and the US markets are on decline. The US will be picking through the leftovers.


Jun 6, 2018 at 7:29pm

The funny thing is the people that claim to love Canada the most are the ones doing everything they can to make sure the US gets more powerful and we get weaker and weaker....oh the irony.


Jun 6, 2018 at 9:28pm

No it won't because the USA is a declining empire. We'd be fools to hitch are wagon to that falling star. Empires have always come and gone. It's kind of interesting getting to watch another slowly slip into irrelevance. Sadly, much like Russia there will be pretty ugly death throes. God knows what a nation like America could do out of desperation.


Jun 7, 2018 at 2:54am

I gave up on Canada the day they changed the flag.

America's hat

Jun 7, 2018 at 4:32am

And if Canadians do take up arms, then what?
The US has been at war (at various intensity levels, up through conventional top-echelon battles) more years than not since the 80s. Their armed forces will roll over Canada like a rug.
If they choose to occupy, there's sweet fsck-all you can do about it. There's roughly one US soldier for every dozen Canadians, at current troop strength. Not counting mercenaries and proxies. That's much, much more than enough, and doesn't include their (land, water and air) drone forces, which will be coming up very soon.
They can help themselves to all the resources and energy, in the cheapest, most negligent ways possible, and not clean up afterward. Kicking it old Soviet style. Eminent domain writ large.
And people were all outraged about the pipeline... Wait 'til you see this.


Jun 7, 2018 at 9:00am

commonwealth's been around a lot longer than the US. I think they're more likely to join us.

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Jun 7, 2018 at 10:24am

Yes should be Canada join with the USA because there is more jobs and they have more Transportation system good. and weather

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