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I'm addicted to reading obituaries.

I feel like if I skip past reading an obituary, I'm disrespecting the person who passed away so I try to read as many as I can. I'm struck by how intolerably unfair some deaths are. To be killed by a drunk driver or a freak accident. I wish we could trade places because perhaps they were mentally/emotionally OK but just suffered this horrid twist of fate. Whereas I am mentally/emotionally unwell so not being here is a tolerable idea.

Is it worth it?

I desperately want to quit my job and just be retired, but I’m afraid. I’m a single senior and although my job doesn’t pay much, it more than what I’d get from my measly pension and oas. But I feel like the stress of my job is making me really sick, so the life that I’m living is awful. I can’t decide if I’d be better off being a lot poorer but in better health, or if I should stick it out as long as I can. Is it worth ruining my health over a job just because I need the money long term? Or would it be better to at least have a few decent years of living before I die instead of just surviving each day at a job that makes me miserable? I have no energy left at the end of the day to do anything else. Take it from me: save for your retirement! Resist the urge to spend it when you’re young, because being forced to keep working when you’re old just to survive, is no way to live. If you can, SAVE.

The BC Conservative party

I have a feeling that John Rustad has goals to be PM of Canada & wants to enforce federal laws that are based on the bible, he wants to wipe out queer people, wants to erase Indigenous culture & language & merge them with Canadian English/French culture & languages, he probably wants closer ties with Trump & Putin & former Brazil President Bolsonaro & Argentina President Milei & Italy PM Meloni to fight "wokeness" & of course his stepping stone is BC provincial politics & if you think he'll stop when he's done with queers & indigenous peoples then I would suggest people be on their guard.... because we could be next.

My bucket is full

I often find that people who are depressed come to me with all their problems and I tend to give advice as best I could. Yet I can't even take my own advice on how to feel better myself. I'm sorry but I don't think I can help you anymore. Nothing personal, or anything. I just need to prioritize myself. I'm not a psychologist so I'm really not qualified to go deep into anyone's feelings. I suggest you book an appointment with a professional like a counsellor or psychologist. They can assist you better than me. You're on your own with this one. I'm not being selfish. I'm only being realistic. Please book a consolation with a professional. I wish you only the best. Good luck.

How I cope

I'm a depressed male that's become a lot more susceptible to tears for no apparent reason. Don't know why the crying spells keep coming. I cannot think of any particular reason what's causing me to feel this way or why. When women are depressed, they tend to eat chocolate. But when I'm depressed, McDonald's is my go to. It ain't healthy, but at least the food still tastes good to me.

C k s

I sucked dick on film with my then girlfriend making me a masked sucker slave in new york city fetish club

When will this be over

I’m not that excited to go into work today even though I have five more days left until much needed time off for summer. I feel like I have no patience anymore and I’m just itching to cross that finish line. Work has taken up so much of my time and energy that I’m lucky if I even have time for myself these days.


My dad worked as the head cook in a restaurant for 25 years. He and a few other employees got laid off during Covid. After the pandemic died down, the owners contacted him and offered him his job back. He turned it down. He’d much rather retired and he’s been enjoying retired midlife ever since. I ate dinner there about only two or three times in my life after he retired. That place sure has changed. Of course, my dad never owned the restaurant. But he truly cared. He was committed and did his best to hold down the fort in the kitchen. The food has changed, but not for the better. Last time I saw the owners, they told me they see their business lingering on another ten more years. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

The Beatles are overrated

Sure, the Fab Four have some good songs, they’re but honestly, I think they’re overrated. I preferred to listen to some more obscure music groups. Don’t even get me started on this song Yesterday. That song is overplayed. John Lennon hit the nail on the head when he said “I don’t believe in yesterday by the way. I‘m only interested in what I am doing now.”


Shrek 2 at the VSO

I was worried that it would be a bunch of children attending. My friends and I showed up with...

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