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Debate time. Introspection time?

Trump is going to crush Biden lol. Oh my gosh. A bully versus a really old man. But in all honesty, our society is horrible because it made this situation. Why would we actually want to see or enjoy this? I think a lot of people do. It's all part of politics and how people are wired. It's a little like the coliseum of old times and watching gladiators go at it until death. This debate isn't as bad... but once you think that these two are symbols for the right and left of our society, it makes me worried that this is the direction we will all go based on the direction of people like Biden or Trump.

Can I ask you guys

Why are there so many oyster bars in Vancouver? Is this the new gentrification status symbol? Who is actually excited about downing slop from the sea?

Open but closed

I met a man. He’s everything I want in a man, He makes me feel safe, beautiful and smart. He allows me to be myself and my authentic me. I can tell hes falling in love me, and wants to be with me, but he can’t be with me for a reason that is true and right. I’m not sure what to do. I just don’t think it’s fair why the universe is testing me. He’s everything I would want in a man, but why can’t he be mine? Will the right one come soon please. I don’t think my heart can take loving men who aren’t emotionally, or mentally or available to me. The hard part is he’s in an open relationship, but I can tell he’s pushing me away cause I feel like he wants to choose me. But I don’t want to be that person or that woman. I can’t do that to his partner. I just want the universe to send me the man that is meant for me and no more lessons

How do I jump into a life?

I'm so far deep into clinical depression, I can't imagine holding down a 9 to 5 job and being a productive member of society. I wonder what that's like. I remember what that was like once. Waking up, joking with co-workers around the coffee machine in the morning. Trying to do the best I can. Now if I have a shower, it's a good day. If I brush my teeth, it's an excellent day. How does that resemble the lives of others? How do you bridge the gap between your current reality and the reality of the majority of others? It's too big a chasm. I don't know how to build a life again.

Stuck in a profit-driven place

Unfortunately, I was moved to my current workplace last year after many dishonest delays. Thought I’d be able to return to my original workplace soon, but those in charge want to keep me here even though it doesn’t make sense. I’m extremely unhappy and disappointed but pretend to be okay so I can to get a good reference one day. Can’t quit because I need the money. My original workplace means so much to me and the new one’s main importance is profits over patients. I look through job postings every morning before my shift. I know it’s good to have a job but being at this place absolutely sucks the life out of me. I’m young but it’s making me old. Sometimes shit happens but I’m such a good, honest person. The other important stuff I used to do is kinda being done by people who don’t know enough. It’s an insult to think about all that has happened and continues to happen because I am not working where I belong. Any kind words would really help. This whole situation is just so sad. Can’t wait till I work somewhere else - God help me until then lol! I work in healthcare so please let a good job come along soon. Long weekend coming up which is good. Yay.

Working part time and loving it!

After 10 years of retirement I have gone back to work on a part time basis. I work with a fantastic group of retirees. We get minimum wage but we never show up late, give 100% all the time, treat the business as if it was our own, and all look forward to coming in a couple of days a week. I did not need to work, I am 70 next year and worked hard and saved throughout my life, but I was missing the structure, and the people contact even though I have kept myself really busy. I wish I had been able to stay at my profession but I have a neurologic disorder that was incompatible with that work. So glad to be back in the workforce. I have read Confessions enough over the years that I know some readers will slag me for being retired, or taking a job from someone, or, maybe, just being happy. Please just be happy that I am a happy person in our midst!

An old proverb is 'Birds of a feather flock together'

Nowadays medical science is saying loneliness is as hurtful to our health as smoking two packs of cigarettes a day and drinking quarts of hard liquor. Why is the human race increasingly getting so flocked up? I'm now an old guy and so many of my friends and family have passed away, and of those still living so many have lost their marbles. I've tried attending different social groups and churches but nothing seems to click. Does anyone have a solution for loneliness?

Whatever You Say

In a billion years of existence. How could one possibly know the truth. I only know the version that’s mine.

Fabled love

Nothing lasts forever, and some good things must end. True love is a funny thing. In the middle of a chaotic rowdy mosh pit two people who loved each other 20 years ago met for the first time since. The thing is... not all relationships work out, but that doesn't mean it wasn't love. I realized instantly, knowing that a love was still going strong smashing people to punk rock is what I would have wanted for them. We both looked young and healthy... we didn't work out. But as people we did. <3

Cheap Men

I went to coffee with this guy on a first date and it came to something like $8 for us and I saw him not tip. I exchanged looks with the Barista as if to apologize. It was so embarrassing. I can't date cheap men. I mean if you can't afford to tip you shouldn't go out.


MEC biker babe

We were in line next to each other at MEC. You: shorter than me, blonde hair, green tee shirt,...

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