Plaid Army vlogger Derek Harrison wants truckers convoy to turn into Canada's own January 6th event

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      The convoy of trucks headed to Ottawa has been described by one media observer as "a caravan of generalized grievance".

      Jesse Brown went on to state that it has "broad support, financial backing, and an inchoate intention to fuck shit up when it reaches its destination" in Ottawa.

      Plaid Army right-wing vlogger Derek Harrison has been a little more explicit.

      "I would like to see our own January 6th event, see some of those truckers plow right through that 16-foot wall," " Harrison says in the tweet below.

      Harrison is no stranger to those who follow the far right in Canada.

      The Canadian Anti-Hate Network put out the following tweet a year ago after he objected to being characterized as "bigoted".

      Meanwhile, antilockdown activist Kelly Anne Farkas has called on truckers to lock everybody into the GoFundMe office in California, basically holding them hostage, until the company releases more than $5.2 million donated to the Freedom Convoy 2022.

      Farkas has been close in the past to Pat King, who was identified as a "convoy organizer" on former People's Party of Canada candidate Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson's Internet TV show.

      This is how Pat King was identified on Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson's online program.

      However, after Farkas made her comment, the Freedom Convoy 2022 issued a statement saying that King "is not and never been affiliated with our movement nor has he been a part of our great team of volunteers".

      King said a comment on the GoFundMe page "had to be done" due to the PR.

      And for more on Pat King...
