“Slip Slap Trip Wack” explores classic comedy tropes—performed by kids

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      What happens when you let kids run the show—specifically a comedy show? What kind of jokes can we expect? More importantly, can a child-like sense of humour still resonate with adults? Presented by Leaky Heaven Performance, Slip Slap Trip Wack is a family-friendly comedy show based on a youth workshop series around old-school comedic tropes.

      Over the course of several weeks, Leaky Heaven taught kids ages eight through 12 about classic hijinks and pranks inspired by The Little Rascals. Each week focused on a different comedy staple (think: pie in the face, two kids in a trenchcoat), which resulted in this unique comedy show. 

      “Over the past four years, we’ve explored the foundations of collaboration, physical play, and humour with the kids in the community here in Strathcona,” says Josh Hite, co-artistic director of Leaky Heaven, in a statement. “Together, we’ve taken centuries-old comedic tropes that predate vaudeville and the origin of cinema, and given them a contemporary comedic structure. Bringing together children and adults in both the creation of the work and its audience will challenge the dynamic between viewing and participating. We’re making space for rambunctiousness, an opportunity for kids to be kids, and a poignant reminder for adults of the joy of play.”

      With the audience sitting on a rotating device, viewers will have a 360-degree view of various gags and sketches—with an opportunity to participate. The show runs continuously for several hours, and attendees are encouraged to come for a “ride” for about 20 minutes to get the full experience.

      Slip Slap Trip Wack

      July 26, 5pm to 8pm and July 27 and July 28, 10am to 4pm

      Where: Russian Hall

      Tickets: $5+, available at the door
