Cheap Men

I went to coffee with this guy on a first date and it came to something like $8 for us and I saw him not tip. I exchanged looks with the Barista as if to apologize. It was so embarrassing. I can't date cheap men. I mean if you can't afford to tip you shouldn't go out.


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Wow, there is really no grace

Jun 24, 2024 at 11:05am

for anyone anymore, is there? I've occasionally forgotten to tip, not because I'm cheap, not because I'm rude, but because I'm distracted and forgetful and low on sleep that particular day. The next time I frequent the locale, I make sure to double up on the tip.

3 1Rating: +2


Jun 24, 2024 at 5:57pm

You put it all on him? Did you tip??

17 2Rating: +15

Drizzle Drizzle

Jun 24, 2024 at 6:07pm

You have to get with the times- men have discovered their worth and you are no longer in control of dating.

So why didn't you pay,and why did you miss the obvious that he wanted you to tip? As a guy, if all a woman can do is take take take- you have failed.

16 7Rating: +9

Not this nonsense again

Jun 24, 2024 at 6:59pm

Who are you to say that someone should be obligated to tip? Sometimes it has nothing to do with whether or not they can afford to, but whether or not it’s warranted. I’m sick of this ridiculous tipping culture where not only are we paying through the nose for often shoddy merchandise and service, but we’re now told we should happily fork over another 20% or more just because! Get a grip. If someone is just handing me a cup of coffee they’re not getting a tip. If they’re making me something extra special they might get one. But they’re getting paid an hourly wage and unless everyone getting an hourly wage to perform a certain task is also getting tipped on top of it, as far as I’m concerned the only people I’m tipping are those performing an actual service that was well done.

34 1Rating: +33


Jun 24, 2024 at 10:39pm

speaking of cheap , why didn't you tip? your date paid & you didn't contribute anything. you're the cheap one

23 1Rating: +22


Jun 25, 2024 at 7:22am

Some people for whatever reason are possibly unaware of social etiquette or were raised this way. Tipping has got out of hand recently and I appreciate taking a stance against excessive tipping but in your instance I would tip the barista myself. I've done it before and will do it again. Is there a possible reason your date didn't have the extra money? Whatever. I always offer to pay the tip if the person paying for the meal or drinks takes care of the bill. I dunno. It's kind of a civilized way of handling this type of situation I think.

8 1Rating: +7

Here's a Tip

Jun 25, 2024 at 10:20am

Tipping when you are standing at the counter is for suckers. I am happy to tip when I get service but if it's for getting a coffee or take out or picking up a bottle of wine or the weed store fuck that. Why not tip at the hardware store or the dentist or getting a set of tires at Costco. Tipping has gotten way out of hand

17 1Rating: +16


Jun 25, 2024 at 10:57am

I'm so sick of feeling obligated to tip so from now on,if I have to stand to order,I'm not tipping and I no longer care if someone gives me the stink eye.

10 0Rating: +10


Jun 25, 2024 at 1:56pm

A lot of bothered incel dudes in the comments ASSUMING the OP is female.

Also if it is a female identify person… they are allowed to have an ick. Maybe he offered to pay… then didn’t tip. Maybe the OP works in the service industry and has a certain perspective. Maybe the OP sees this as a part of what is important to them.

3 13Rating: -10


Jun 25, 2024 at 11:20pm

Ugh I don't know I'm kinda sick of tip culture, I don't think batrista wages should come from my 10-25%, I also don't think it's the same degree of service as a server, tipping used to be more sparse and that still feels normal to me

5 1Rating: +4

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