An old proverb is 'Birds of a feather flock together'

Nowadays medical science is saying loneliness is as hurtful to our health as smoking two packs of cigarettes a day and drinking quarts of hard liquor. Why is the human race increasingly getting so flocked up? I'm now an old guy and so many of my friends and family have passed away, and of those still living so many have lost their marbles. I've tried attending different social groups and churches but nothing seems to click. Does anyone have a solution for loneliness?


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Just after I read this, I saw an article in

Jun 25, 2024 at 1:02pm

The Telegraph: Loneliness can dramatically increase risk of a stroke

3 0Rating: +3


Jun 25, 2024 at 1:34pm

When my grandfather passed away, my quiet, introverted grandmother was devastated. Her children and grandchildren all live on the other side of the country. She was determined that she wasn't going to spend her remaining time here on earth sitting around her house, feeling sorry for herself, pining for my grandfather, slowly dying of loneliness. She got out a piece of paper and drew 10 blocks -- M T W Th F Mornings and Afternoons. She went on to volunteer with 10 different organizations in the city, each organization saw her once a week for 4 hours. She loved it. It kept her out of the house, and kept her out of her own head. She was an introverted lady so she often worked alone, doing bookkeeping or other office tasks. She really liked being around people. She would come home in the evenings and felt a sense of purpose and fulfillment. She also set a terrific example for her family as to how regardless of one's age or ability, we all have gifts we can share with the world. I highly recommend volunteering as a loneliness antidote.

11 0Rating: +11

Yes it's called Good Orderly Direction

Jun 25, 2024 at 5:11pm

The problem being that you might find a huge Resistance to your speaking it let alone working in a concert like way with strangers to implement it. Especially since whom can one trust these days. So crazy is a good cover when not sure who is who!

1 0Rating: +1

The first hour of Babylon

Jun 25, 2024 at 10:49pm

They want the kiss, we give 'em the kiss...

0 0Rating: 0


Jun 25, 2024 at 11:16pm

Hobbies plants and interests, appreciating the occasional convo maybe a class

3 1Rating: +2

Do something

Jun 26, 2024 at 11:36am

Instead of moaning about it, try doing something about it. You should get out there. Go take some courses or some thing. Just don’t let yourself think. Find some hobbies that are particular interest to you. Are you into music, sports, mountain biking? Just get a new hobby. Think less.

4 1Rating: +3

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