Working part time and loving it!

After 10 years of retirement I have gone back to work on a part time basis. I work with a fantastic group of retirees. We get minimum wage but we never show up late, give 100% all the time, treat the business as if it was our own, and all look forward to coming in a couple of days a week. I did not need to work, I am 70 next year and worked hard and saved throughout my life, but I was missing the structure, and the people contact even though I have kept myself really busy. I wish I had been able to stay at my profession but I have a neurologic disorder that was incompatible with that work. So glad to be back in the workforce. I have read Confessions enough over the years that I know some readers will slag me for being retired, or taking a job from someone, or, maybe, just being happy. Please just be happy that I am a happy person in our midst!


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Jun 25, 2024 at 4:26pm

So so true my friend. Enjoy every minute. Go ask the Ikarians. Yassou.

1 0Rating: +1


Jun 25, 2024 at 5:06pm

That’s awesome ! Working doing something you enjoy is not really a job! Sometimes when we no longer work we really aren’t happy. Working gives you a purpose ! I love this !

2 1Rating: +1

Okay yes!

Jun 25, 2024 at 5:07pm

I will not make excuses I was stupid. Still that being said when was the last time maybe besides Jesus Christ and I am not He that a person worked so hard for free to save those that mostly are trying to kill him.

0 0Rating: 0

Yes 100%

Jun 25, 2024 at 5:53pm

I’m also a semi-retired senior but I’d love to work less. Unlike you I have no choice but to keep working, and there’s good things and bad things about that. A couple of days a week sounds perfect, and keeping active and involved is key to keeping mentally healthy. Go for it and to hell with anyone else’s opinion.

3 0Rating: +3

No slagging here

Jun 26, 2024 at 11:22am

I’m happy for you that you’re enjoying your part-time job. I’m a lot younger than you, but I prefer to work part-time four days a week instead of five or six. Keep up the positive attitude and have a good one!

2 0Rating: +2

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