Billie Eilish takes to Howard Stern to talk about COVID-19, SNL, and how a steady porn diet warped her young brain

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      Even if he’s mentally scarred you forever with his anal ring toss segments, there's no disputing Howard Stern is more skilled than the average interviewer when it comes to dragging things out of his guests.

      And the King of All Media has done it again in a new interview with Billie Eilish, who’s currently positioned to assume the title of New Queen of Pop.

      The two sat down Monday, just a day or so removed from Eilish’s triumphant stand hosting Saturday Night Live this past weekend. Major revelations included the 19-year-old doom-pop singer contracting COVID-19 earlier this year, and that the entire week leading up to her SNL appearance was a nonstop blur of tears and joyful terror. And the occasional bout of vomiting.

      I had crazy shits when I got here like you wouldn’t believe, she told Stern. "You know, ones where you have to get fully naked on the toilet.”

      “I’ve been anxious and nervous," Eilish continued. "Just because it’s not my world and I’m so petrified of people thinking I suck. As soon as I saw the crowd and felt their joy, it was like I wasn’t nervousIt was relieving, somehow. I was like, ‘Oh, this is actually really incredible, and I don’t have to worry. This is just for fun.’”

      The weirdest tangent in the interview came when talk turned to one of Stern’s favourite topics: porn. Long-time fans know that, in addition to plugging sticks into their rectums for games of anal ring toss, the 67-year-old has hosted stars ranging from living legend Jenna James to one-time tabloid mainstay Bree Olsen. More often than not, porn actresses do their interviews in nothing but their birthday suits, which is weird because Robert Downey Jr. isn't expected to sit down in front of the mic dressed up as Iron Man. 

      Eilish thoughts on porn were cautionary in nature. She noted that, determined to fit in with her peers, she first starting watching clips and videos at age 11, later commenting that it warped her ideas about sex.

      “I think it really destroyed my brain and I feel incredibly devastated that I was exposed to so much porn,” Eilish said.

      Indicating that her viewing habits weren’t exactly of a vanilla nature, she revealed that the things she watched then skewed her perspectives of what to consent to when she began having sex.

      “The first few times I, you know, had sex, I was not saying no to things that were not good,” Eilish said. “It was because I thought that’s what I was supposed to be attracted to.”

      She added: “I’m so angry that porn is so loved, and I’m so angry at myself for thinking that it was okay.”

      You can listen to the entire interview here. Or, if you’re really enterprising, piece it together on YouTube.

      And not to spoil things, but thankfully the topic of anal ring toss doesn't come up. See, sometimes there is a God.
