Harder Nowadays- Stop Complaining

Having read through both rants (not confessions) it occurred to me that no one mentioned opportunities. In those days was very little tech- after high school for guys you hopefully had an in to work for the government, hoped to get a job in a mill,mine,logging, or a mechanic. Or get into trades, or university and engineering/forestry/geology etc The girls went in for teaching or health care or engineering, or worked in stores. That was it. Nowadays ANYONE can start online businesses, work at home and sell on eBay and other sites, import items from all over the world for resale, you can trade online crypto/stocks/gold, start social media and drop ship/ monetize a You Tube channel and also drop ship from it, start up consulting businesses from home,etc etc. And let's not even get started on all of the good paying tech and IT jobs out there. The thing about life that almost all out there miss is that you are not supposed to just stagnate. You should always be hustling,always be improving and always trying to get ahead and make more money. If you don't, you fall behind that is the way of the world- but sadly these days it seems everyone wants everything without sacrificing anything. Even with the increased housing, I would never trade the opportunities of today for the cheaper housing and limited opportunities of days gone by.


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Rise and Grind, Mr.Slave.

Jun 20, 2024 at 3:16pm

Oh yes, you should always be hustling. Way to internalize capitalism, you're an awesome slave. Keep up the good work.

7 1Rating: +6

Cell Phones

Jun 20, 2024 at 7:58pm

Correct. I make 6 figures on sports betting... sitting in restaurants, parks, the beach, out camping or just lazing around at home.

0 1Rating: -1

Not even close

Jun 20, 2024 at 10:15pm

…to being accurate. Men have always had tons of opportunities to choose careers. Even back in the dark ages of the 1980’s. Women have not, so at least you got that part right. As far as the rest of what you said, if constantly striving is what makes you happy, go for it. That’s not what everyone wants however, and it’s not as black and white as you suggest. One of the biggest things that’s come from the pandemic has been this realization that there’s more to life than scrambling to earn more, buy more, work more. Lots of people are recognizing that balance in life is extremely important, so suggesting that people can have it all as long as they’re always hustling is absolutely the wrong approach in my opinion.

6 0Rating: +6

@Rise and Grind

Jun 21, 2024 at 6:15pm

If you want to get paid a great salary while having no skills with the "benefits" of Communism while living in a Western world- I suggest you try Cuba,Laos,Vietnam, or North Korea for a while. And forget about getting a great salary BTW.

The fact that women don't often choose high stress, high logic careers, or harsh climate jobs has nothing to do with sexism.
You can go and apply for any tech course or degree, barely pass it, and get hired before the top 10% of the class due to "Equity Hiring" and do better than guys who deserve it.
Women have always held the advantage when it came to working routine while indoors- like health care,accounting, HR etc. while Tech jobs weren't much of a thing until 25 years ago.

As for the rest of your post- do you know what makes life easy? Having enough money to retire in your 30s- not by taking it easy and working till you're 75 and not having traveled the world.
But you do you,and I'll enjoy my life.

0 4Rating: -4


Jun 21, 2024 at 6:58pm

"Men have always had tons of opportunities to choose careers. Even back in the dark ages of the 1980’s. Women have not"

That's because until 25 years ago women stayed home and took care of the kids, while the men went out and worked their lives away to provide housing,food,holidays,and a future for them all.

But this is 2024- are you willing to go out and work/commute 60 hours a week to a stressful job you may hate, with a crappy boss, for 45 years...while the guy stays home and looks after the kids?
Then once they're in high school he goes out and gets a part time job?

1 0Rating: +1

I agree

Jun 22, 2024 at 10:01am

I've thought about your confession a few times since you posted it. You are right and i've thought this myself before. I think the reason for your downvotes and silly comments is because these people don't "get it". It's not even worth explaining or debating. I understand what you're saying and people would be so much happier in life in they also understood this.

0 0Rating: 0

Ah yes...

Jun 23, 2024 at 8:06am

...the thing about life: to always be on that grind, as the 9th Dalai Lama once said.

2 0Rating: +2

At Not

Jun 23, 2024 at 8:34am

Men had more more opportunities because the wives stayed home with the kids.
Now with no more families women have more opportunities, more grants, and preferred hiring status.
And despite all this since the 60s, women's happiness has continually dropped to this day...

1 1Rating: 0

@@Rise and Grind

Jun 24, 2024 at 6:09pm

Why are you assuming a person you never met has no skills, what an absurd statement. I'm going to assume you've never finished grade school.

The inescapable fact is that when we build a society based on greed, selfishness, and ruthless competition, the fruits we can expect to reap are economic insecurity at home and international discord abroad -- Tommy Douglas

1 1Rating: 0

@Ah Yes

Jun 24, 2024 at 6:18pm

Well then be a wage slave until you are 70, and stop complaining about those who work hard/smart and retire early.

1 1Rating: 0

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