One small solution

Reverse minimum wage back down to something reasonable like $12. I'm a minimum wage worker and the only time I felt like it made a difference was when it went up to the $10 and then $12 mark. I do jobs I like, often similar to volunteer jobs at non profits, or jobs small company owners would get their kids to do. On top of everything, there is clear defined evidence that continually raising it has the opposite effect. Worse is that most days there are news articles on some wage going up, or some union going on strike for higher wages, there are articles right beside them of companies downsizing and laying off people. I worked at small companies all my life, except the last 3 years.


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Sorry but your going back in time idea would only make sense

Jun 21, 2024 at 11:49am

if our society could also reverse the crazy inflationary price of goods and services. How could that happen when the over-control is in the hands of the dominant PTBs on this Planet of the Apes. That is not to say all of those who 'walk in the halls of power' are monkeys. Those with any sense will see there are also good-hearted players in the halls of power who are trying their best. But for too many of us mere humans, we get sucked into the ism-schizms manipulations of contending power hungry Alpha Apes. I wish there was an easy solution but it looks that most likely us evolutionary Homosapiens will have to learn our lessons the tragic way.

5 2Rating: +3

A Gorilla

Jun 21, 2024 at 12:19pm

The problem isn't the labourers, pal.

12 2Rating: +10

That's not going to work

Jun 21, 2024 at 5:35pm

Prices go up before wages catch up. It's not the other way around. Taxes, inflation, pay to play market regulations, monopolies, price fixing, private banking, the entire fiat currency system, and many other related factors play a big part in this. Personally I think the only way for the economy to ever improve is to go further back in time to less taxes, nationalized banking, gold standard, and the Treasury Department printing the currency. No more privately owned central banks.

5 0Rating: +5


Jun 21, 2024 at 5:53pm

Minimum wage jobs are for kids in high school, or while going to college on weekends and during summer break while staying with parents. Not a lifetime career choice.

An 18 month dental hygienist course gets you about $50 an hour, or X Ray tech, electrician, air con etc. So if you are over the age of 22 and making minimum wage- it's time to review your choices,and drop out of that useless arts degree.

1 2Rating: -1


Jun 21, 2024 at 6:29pm

Found the bootlicker.

3 0Rating: +3


Jun 21, 2024 at 7:05pm

I guess you've had a look at California recently, minimum for fast food to $20 and lost tens of thousands of jobs, because small places can't afford it. Or they jack the price of a burger combo up to $17-20 USD...then no one buys and they go out of business.

1 0Rating: +1

Wrong End

Jun 21, 2024 at 9:09pm

I don't think going after the little people is the way to go. Maybe Jeff Bezos can cough up, or some of the many other global gluttons.

2 0Rating: +2


Jun 22, 2024 at 11:02pm

Ahh less money for poor people? R u sure ur a voice for poverty?

4 1Rating: +3

Maybe take an economics class?

Jun 22, 2024 at 11:56pm

Except it’s hard to save money for extra things like “education” and “rent” and “food” when you are earning $17/hr, never mind $12/hr. Nothing that you wrote makes any sense. That’s just not how things work.

5 0Rating: +5

Gloria Sponge Bob

Jun 23, 2024 at 5:13pm

Nice try Elon Musk.

4 0Rating: +4

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